Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang Granules 补阳还五汤颗粒

Product SKU: 12014

Regular price $16.50 USD Sale

Item Number: 12014
Chinese Name: 补阳还五汤, Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
English Name: Five Restoring Decoction
Formula Principles: Tonifies Qi; Invigorates the Blood; Unblocks the channels; Promotes movement in the limbs*
TCM Pattern: Sequelae of Wind-Stroke; Qi and Yang Deficiency with Blood Stasis Obstructing the Channels; Wind-Phlegm causing Qi and Blood Stagnation; Wei Syndrome due to Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis
Potency: Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules.
Dosage: Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily. 


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