Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).
Item Number: 12056
Chinese Name: 龙胆泻肝汤, Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
English Name: Gentiana Cleansing Decoction
Formula Principles:
- Drains Excess Fire from the Liver and Gallbladder
- Clears and Drains Damp-Heat from the Lower Jiao
- Clears Damp-Heat from the San Jiao*
Long Dan Cao |
Gentian Root |
Huang Qin |
Chinese Skullcap |
Zhi Zi (Jiao) |
Gardenia Fruit (Processed) |
Ze Xie |
Alisma Rhizome |
Che Qian Zi (Yan Zhi) |
Plantain Seed (Processed) |
Dang Gui (Jiu) |
Chinese Angelica Root (Processed) |
Sheng Di Huang |
Rehmannia |
Chai Hu |
Bupleurum Root |
Gan Cao (Mi) |
Licorice Root (Processed) |
TCM Pattern
- Liver Fire Flaring Up
- Damp Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
- Damp Heat in the Liver Channel
- San Jiao Damp Heat
Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily.