Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).
Item Number: 12060
Chinese Name: 平胃散, Ping Wei San
English Name: Magnolia & Ginger Formula
Formula Principles:
Dries Dampness and activates the spleen, moves Qi, harmonizes the stomach, strengthens the spleen's transporting function
Ingredients (2023 Formulation):
Cang Zhu (Fu Chao) |
Atractylodes Rhizome (Processed)*
Hou Po (Jiang Zhi) |
Officinal Magnolia Bark (Processed)
Chen Pi |
Tangerine Peel |
Gan Cao (Mi) |
Licorice Root (Processed) |
Sheng Jiang |
Fresh Ginger |
Da Zao |
Jujube Fruit |
Cang Zhu (Fu Chao) |
Atractylodes Rhizome (Processed)*
Hou Po (Jiang Zhi) |
Officinal Magnolia Bark (Processed)
Chen Pi |
Tangerine Peel |
Gan Cao (Mi) |
Licorice Root (Processed) |
Allergen: Processed with Wheat
Ingredients provided for reference. Bottles containing 2023 Formulation will be fulfilled until they are sold out - to verify which formulation is currently being shipped, contact us through chat or at herbs@treasureoftheeast.com
TCM Pattern:
Cold-Damp distress on the spleen disturbs the lungs, Damp stagnation in the spleen and stomach
Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily.
Allergen Information: Contains Wheat & Gluten