Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Granules 七宝美髯丹颗粒

Product SKU: 12062

Regular price $17.50 USD Sale

Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).

Item Number: 12062
Chinese Name: 七宝美髯丹, Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan
English Name: Seven Treasures Formula

Formula Principles:

Enriches the kidney Jing, nourishes the liver blood, beautifies hair


He Shou Wu (Zhi)

Flowery Knotweed Root (Processed)

Fu Ling Poria
Niu Xi (Huai) Achyranthes Root
Dang Gui

Chinese Angelica Root

Gou Qi Zi Goji Berry
Tu Si Zi (Yan Zhi) Dodder Seed
Bu Gu Zhi (Yan Zhi) Psoralea Fruit (Processed)

TCM Pattern:

Gray or thin hair due to kidney Jing, and liver-blood deficiency


Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily. 

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