Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Granules 参苓白术散颗粒

Product SKU: 12075

Regular price $17.90 USD Sale

Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).

Item Number: 12075

Chinese Name: 参苓白术散, Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
English Name: Ginseng, Poria & Atractylodes Formula

Formula Principles:

Boosts Qi and fortifies the spleen, drains Dampness and arrests diarrhea


Lian Zi Lotus Seed
Yi Ren Coix Seed
Sha Ren Amomum Fruit
Jie Geng Platycodon Root
Bai Bian Dou (Chao) Lablab Bean (Processed)
Fu Ling Poria
Gan Cao Licorice Root
Bai Zhu (Chao) White Atractylodes Rhizome (Processed) *
Bai Shen Ginseng Root
Shan Yao Dioscorea Rhizome

Allergen: Processed with Wheat

TCM Pattern:

Spleen deficiency with excessive Dampness accumulation, Dampness due to spleen Qi deficiency, atrophy disorder due to spleen and stomach Qi deficiency


Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily. 

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