Sheng Bai Granules 升白颗粒

Product SKU: 12077

Regular price $13.90 USD Sale

Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).

Item Number: 12077

Chinese Name: 升白颗粒, Sheng Bai Ke Li
English Name: Pseudostellaria & Astragalus Combination
This modern formula is designed to address common Western conditions, and was selected for inclusion in our catalogue based on the efficacy of their use in TCM hospitals.*

Formula Principles:

Tonifies the kidney and spleen, supplements marrow and nourishes blood, supports immunity



Huang Qi (Mi) Astragalus Root (Processed)
Tai Zi Shen Pseudostellaria Root
Bai Zhu (Chao)

White Atractylodes Rhizome (Processed)*

Chen Pi (Chao) Tangerine Peel (Processed)
Ban Xia (Fa) Pinellia Rhizome (Processed)
Shan Yao Dioscorea Rhizome
Dang Gui Chinese Angelica Root
Gou Qi Zi Goji Berry
Nu Zhen Zi (Jiu Zhi) Ligustrum Fruit (Processed)
He Shou Wu (Zhi)

Flowery Knotweed Root (Processed)

Huang Jing (Jiu Zhi)

Polygonatum Rhizome (Processed)

Zhi Mu Anemarrhena Rhizome
Ji Xue Teng Spatholobus Stem
Shi Wei Pyrrosia Leaf
San Qi Notoginseng Root
Da Zao Jujube Fruit

Allergen: Processed with Wheat *

TCM Pattern:

Blood insufficiency caused by spleen and kidney weakness or by chemo or radiation therapy manifested with pale skin, fatigue, dizziness, and loss of appetite


Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily. 

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