Xin Yi San Granules 辛夷散颗粒

Product SKU: 12100

Regular price $16.45 USD Sale

Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).

Item Number: 12100

Chinese Name: 辛夷散, Xin Yi San
English Name: Magnolia Flower Formula
Formula Principles: Expels Wind-cold, unblocks the nasal passages
TCM Pattern: Wind-cold with sinus congestion
 Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules.
Dosage: Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily. 
Available in: 
Granules (100g/bottle)


Xin Yi Magnolia Flower
Gao Ben Chinese Lovage Rhizome
Sheng Ma Cimicifuga Rhizome
Chuan Xiong Chuanxiong Rhizome
Ze Xie Alisma Rhizome
Fang Feng Saposhnikovia Root
Qiang Huo

Notopterygium Rhizome and Root

Gan Cao (Mi) Licorice Root (Processed)
Bai Zhi Dahurian Angelica Root


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