Zhi Gan Cao Tang Granules 炙甘草汤颗粒

Product SKU: 12116

Regular price $15.50 USD Sale

Item Number: 12116
Chinese Name: 炙甘草汤, Zhi Gan Cao Tang
English Name: Prepared Licorice Combination

Treatment Principles: Boosts Qi, enriches Yin, unblocks Yang, restores the pulse.
TCM Pattern: Yin-blood and Yang-Qi deficiency with malnutrition of the heart vessel, deficiency-consumption and lung atrophy, heart Qi deficiency with excess worry, irregular pulses due to Yang and Yin deficiency.
Potency: Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).


Gan Cao (Mi) Licorice Root (Processed)
Sheng Jiang Ginger
Sheng Di Huang Rehmannia
Gui Zhi Cinnamon Twig
Mai Dong Ophiopogon Root
Huo Ma Ren Cannabis Seed
Da Zao Jujube Fruit
Hong Shen Ginseng Root (Processed)
E Jiao Equinis Asinus Gelatin

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