Item Number: 12116
Chinese Name: 炙甘草汤, Zhi Gan Cao Tang
English Name: Prepared Licorice Combination
Treatment Principles: Boosts Qi, enriches Yin, unblocks Yang, restores the pulse.
TCM Pattern: Yin-blood and Yang-Qi deficiency with malnutrition of the heart vessel, deficiency-consumption and lung atrophy, heart Qi deficiency with excess worry, irregular pulses due to Yang and Yin deficiency.
Potency: Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).
Gan Cao (Mi) |
Licorice Root (Processed) |
Sheng Jiang |
Ginger |
Sheng Di Huang |
Rehmannia |
Gui Zhi |
Cinnamon Twig |
Mai Dong |
Ophiopogon Root |
Huo Ma Ren |
Cannabis Seed |
Da Zao |
Jujube Fruit |
Hong Shen |
Ginseng Root (Processed) |
E Jiao |
Equinis Asinus Gelatin |